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What is IncontiLase®?


IncontiLase® is an innovative, patented, Er:YAG laser therapy for mild and moderate stress urinary incontinence (SUI) based on the revolutionary, non-invasive Fotona SMOOTH® technology

How does IncontiLase® work?


The 2940 nm Er:YAG laser used for IncontiLase® features a built-in proprietary technology called Fotona SMOOTH® that enables delivery of precisely controlled laser-induced thermal effects that stimulate collagen neogenesis and remodeling in the mucosa tissue (in the region of the vestibule and urethral orifice, as well as in the area along the anterior vaginal wall). The end result of the IncontiLase® treatment is non-ablative photothermal tension, shrinkage and tightening of the tissue in the urethral and anterior bladder wall region and the return of normal continence function.

Watch the Video Below for more Information 

Advantages of IncontiLase®


For the majority of patients, two sessions of IncontiLase® with a one-month interval were sufficient to alleviate mild or even moderate stress urinary incontinence. No special pre-op preparations or post-op precautions were necessary. Patients could immediately return to their normal everyday activities. Additional advantages of IncontiLase® are that the procedure is incisionless and virtually painless, with no ablation, cutting, bleeding, or sutures. Recovery is extremely quick without need for the use of analgesics or antibiotics.

Clinical studies show that Incontilase is an efficient, simple, and safe procedure. It is completely nonsurgical and painless. Recovery is quick, without the need for analgesics. Patients can immediately return to their normal everyday activities and sexual activity may be resumed 3-7 days after treatment. We recommend 2-3 monthly sessions, however we will craft a personalized protocol for you upon consultation.

Full Aesthetics & Wellness

3310 Alternate-19

Dunedin, FL 34698

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Remember each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Full Aesthetics & Wellness is a full-service medical spa located in Dunedin, Florida. The Dr. and Staff at Full Aesthetics and Wellness offer treatments such as Botox, Fillers, TightlSculpting, Laser hair removal, Microdermabrasion, IPL to men and women, Photomodulation Therapy, Facials, IncontiLase, IntimaLase, NightLase, ProlapLase and RenovaLase  in the Pinellas County area and Tampa Bay.

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