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What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning leaves you with slightly brighter, smoother skin by scraping off the top layer of dead skin cells, peach fuzz, and excess oils with a scalpel. The deep exfoliation treatment can remove up to two weeks of dead skin, and the results last about three weeks.

Aside from helping you get very soft skin, dermaplaning also smooths out uneven skin texture and gives you a smoother base for your foundation and makeup (since it doubles as a facial hair removal treatment), which means no more cakey makeup for you. “Dermaplaning is the best exfoliation for your skin". So even if you exfoliate regularly at home, it’s still an effective treatment for removing anything your regular exfoliants can’t.

Shaving Eyebrows

Is dermaplaning just shaving?


Dermaplaning and shaving your face are very similar, but the main difference is that dermaplaning (again, performed by a licensed professional) delivers a more thorough exfoliation, while shaving your face at home is a more budget-friendly, DIY option, and really only tackles peach fuzz. Some professionals advise against trying it at all, though. Sharp blades and DIYs shouldn’t go together.

What are the side effects of dermaplaning?

While in the hands of a professional, dermaplaning is safe for most skin types, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin. But, as always, there are caveats: If you have highly reactive, sensitive skin (like those with rosacea or keratosis pilaris), you may want to pass on dermaplaning, since it might irritate your skin. Same goes for anyone with inflamed acne—unsurprisingly, sliding a sharp scalpel over your zits can irritate them and worsen existing breakouts by spreading bacteria.

There are still good ways to exfoliate your skin if you’re dealing with acne. Just talk to us about finding the best, most gentle exfoliants for you and your skin concerns.

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